Fast and Furious: The Paso Robles Horse Park Speed Stake

Brenna McGovern, aboard “Grey Goose”, Champion of the 2020 Rosé in May Speed Stake. Photograph by Essence Captured Photography
With a beautiful facility, quality footing, and fun classes with great prizes, it’s no surprise that the Paso Robles Horse Park is a destination horse show facility that draws hunter, jumper, and equitation riders to the Central Coast for schooling shows and USEF Rated Competitions throughout the year.
At their popular B Series, the Paso Robles Horse Park features a very special $2,500 Speed Stake Class that allows riders to put the pedal to the medal as they race to win the top prize. This feature class is set at 1.15 meters and is judged under Table III, which means any faults, like a knocked rail or refusal, will be converted into time faults. (Need a Jumper Table crash course? Check out our Jumper Tables for Dummies Blog Post!) Riders must navigate the course with efficiency and speed to secure the winning title!
Hosted as the Evening Feature Class in the LD Hayes Arena on Saturday of each of these shows, the Paso Robles Horse Park creates an atmosphere like that of a Grand Prix!

Photograph by Essence Captured Photography
The Paso Robles Horse Park’s B Series is a very popular show series that bridges the gap between schooling shows and A Rated USEF Competition by offering lower entry fees, a shortened schedule, and limited entries to create more accessibility to riders looking to break into rated competitions. With the goal of accessibility in mind, the Paso Robles Horse Park developed the $2,500 Speed Stake as the featured class to be offered at all three B Shows: Rosé in May, Pumpkins & Ponies, and Turkey Trot & Jump.
The opening Leadline class, enthusiastic spectators, and formal riding attire adds an element of pressure to the Speed Stake competition, while the inviting height of 1.15 meters allows amateurs and professionals to step up into a higher level class. And the fun doesn’t stop there! Each competitor provides a short Horse and Rider Biography to be read by the announcer while their selected theme song is played throughout the stands. This special addition is one of the unique factors that makes this class so special and fun!

Heather Mason, aboard “Itsdartier”, Champion of the 2020 Rosé in May Speed Stake. Photograph by Essence Captured Photography
Two-time Speed Stake Champion, Professional Rider Heather Mason and her mount “Itsdartier”, are regular competitors at the Paso Robles Horse Park and attend the B Series Horse Shows with their sights set on the $2,500 Speed Stake.
“The speed stake class at Paso is one of my favorite classes and will always be special to me! They make it so fun playing your favorite song as you take on the course, sharing a bit about each rider and horse and also acknowledging anyone that you want to publicly thank. The rarely seen Table III format encourages the brave to take on the careful and can level the playing field for those who don't have the most careful jumpers. As a junior rider I never had horses who jumped clean so this was the only class where I could compete so it's near and dear to my heart. Itsdartier carried me to the win after a 15 year hiatus from the sport. It was my first time leading the victory gallop in over 30 years of riding and Amanda Dierfenderfer and Linda Starkman made me feel like I had just won a 5* Grand Prix! Everything at Paso is first class and I'm so grateful to have such an incredible venue and top notch management so close to home.” —Heather Mason

Photograph by Essence Captured Photography