Jens Wawrauschek: Your Source for Expertly Matched Show Horses

"Jens Wawrauschek has the ability to find the horse that suits me." - Amateur show jumper Prof. Dr. Lutz Ricken in an interview.
Prof. Dr. Lutz Ricken has been competing in advanced level show jumping for 40 years, in his spare time. The 56-year-old oral surgeon is advised, trained, and supported by Jens Wawrauschek from Warstein. Lutz Ricken talks about his experiences with the marketer of quality sport horses.

How did you become aware of Jens Wawrauschek as a marketer of show horses? Prof. Dr. Lutz Ricken: "In 2018, I met him through a mutual acquaintance, a successful breeder of show horses. I then sent a horse to Jens for training, which he subsequently successfully marketed for me."

What prompted you to continue working with Jens? "At first, it was, of course, the positive experience from this initial contact. Furthermore, at that time, I was looking for a trainer to support me in working with my horses. With Jens, I met someone who approaches many things in the same way I do. We speak the same language. The instruction is rational, precise, and analytical, the advice very explicit. I've learned to implement exactly what he tells me. In addition to intensive dressage work, we have adjusted my seat. All of this suits me personally very well."

In your opinion, what sets Jens apart from other marketers? "Jens has the ability to find the horse that suits me. Never have I had to try out ten horses during our collaboration to find the right one. I can rely on that. By now, I also buy a horse on his advice, even if I'm not 100 percent convinced myself. So far, this has worked well and has furthered me as a rider. In addition, all of our joint business dealings have been absolutely transparent. In the six years that we have known each other better now, we have built up great trust."

What does good after-sales service mean to you? "Basically, it's three things: training, tournament support, and - if necessary - selling a horse if it doesn't work out."
What do you personally appreciate about Jens Wawrauschek? "On the one hand, it's the absolute clarity in agreements and his reliability. Unfortunately, this is not a given in the equestrian scene. But also the instruction, which is absolutely systematically structured, allowing the horse and me to constantly develop. On the other hand, it's naturally the horses he has sold to me. All of them are trained to a very high level, have a comprehensible history, and reasonable prices."