Conteros: Versatile Stallion Taking North America By Storm

CONTEROS (Contender x Raphael x Ramiro Z) 1996 Brown. HANN DE331319789696. Lic.: OLDBG, MECKL, AHS, ISR. 1.60m FEI: GER20880 16.3 Hands WFFS N/N

You don't need to be a bloodline-fanatic to recognize the name Contender, one of the most impactful stallions in the sport of show jumping. Contender is known for producing top hunters and jumpers alike in his 30 year life-span, including the famous Conteros (Contender x Raphael x Ramiro Z). Conteros, a "jumping machine", quickly proved himself worthy of his sire's legacy after winning the jumping competition in his European 100-day stallion performance test. Overtaking the competition, Conteros's seemingly endless scope, impeccable conformation, and lovely brain coupled with rideability has earned him a top spot in the horse showing and breeding industries alike.

As a competition horse, Conteros has proven his talents in the jumper and hunter rings. With mileage in international 1.60m Grand Prix classes alongside top placings in USHJA National Hunter Derbies, Conteros is the poster child for style and athleticism. However, what truly sets Conteros apart from other talented studs is his great character. Conteros exhibits exceptional rideability which allowed him to compete successfully with amateurs and professionals alike!

Photo by Alexander Hassenstein
Conteros's accolades extend beyond the show ring: his pure athleticism and style passes on to his offspring. This gorgeous stallion is renowned for improving the conformation and style of hunter and jumper mares to produce top competitors. Just as important as his conformation, Conteros's easy-going personality and rideability also pass on to his offspring, making him a highly sought after sire.

One of Contero's most successful offspring is Contadur (Conteros x Kolibi), an International Grand Prix winner!
At the ripe age of 24 years old, Conteros continues to pass on his beautiful jumping style and gates, along with his elegant conformation and workmanlike personality, to his offspring.
Interested in breeding your mare to Conteros? This top quality Hanoverian stallion has fresh and frozen semen available for purchase on Equivont!
Interested in other breeding options? Check out more top quality stallions HERE