Bec Braitling & the Area VI Young Rider Program

This week, we feature Bec Braitling, head trainer of Arnell Sporthorses and also team coach of the Area VI Young Rider team. Bec is entering her third year of being the Area VI Young Rider Team Coach! Under her guidance, the Juniors team ( CCI-J1* ) won the gold medal in 2017, and the Young Riders team ( CICOY2* ) won the bronze medal in 2018. We look forward to seeing the success of the Area VI Young Riders in 2019!
The USEA Young Rider program is one that has a numerous amount of goals but primarily encourages young athletes to develop their team skills in international level competition. Additionally, the program emphasizes the opportunity to learn from various coaches, clinicians, camps, course walks, etc. while promoting great sportsmanship and facilitation as a team member.
As a California-based company, we wanted to share and highlight this important program of Area VI eventing. Additionally, many of our partners based in California such as, Trinity Eventing, Excell Equestrian and Charis Equestrian, provide programs that are created specifically to help young riders achieve their goals in competing for Area VI at this national championship!
Aside from the excitement of competing at such a massive championship, the young riders cultivate an unbreakable team bond and memories for a lifetime. See my recap from the 2018 FEI North American Youth Championships to get a sense of how the competition week went!
As Bec and Kaley captured the essence of Young Riders in the video, 2019 is sure to be another exciting year for the Area VI team. Next week, at the Fresno County Horse Park CCI & HT, the Young Riders will be hosting a pizza & movie night on Friday evening. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow riders of the program and enjoy some delicious pizza while you're at it.
Just a month away on March 9-10th is the Spring Camp, designed to have riders get the feet wet with how the program is run and to, of course, make new friends while learning from critical assets of the YR team. You don't have to be aiming to compete at NAYC to attend, but it is still a great opportunity to learn by riding and spectating.
Then, you have your three mandatory selection horse trials: the Galway Downs CCI & HT in March, Twin Rivers CCI & HT in April and the Spring Event at Woodside in May.
Lots to look forward to! I hope you make the decision to be involved with the Area VI Young Riders program because it really is as great as it sounds! Best of luck this season and go Area VI.