Every horse I see needs (and deserves!) a massage - they work so hard for us and give so much. I walk by and see tight muscles, compensation for weak muscles, and imbalances in the body. With the massage first loosening up, then balancing, and finally helping the body to come into symmetry, often the work can help a horse get more comfortable in their body. This is when health and performance often get better and better for horses. A regular bodywork program can be an integral part to a horse’s health and well being plan.
Massage is paired with Cold Laser or AlphaSonic based on needs of the horse
Laser therapy stimulates cells and energizes natural cellular processes. This encourages the body’s ability to increase natural healing. In soft tissue work, studies have shown that following laser with massage greatly enhances circulation and decreases inflammation. The muscle tissue opens much more readily, and the laser affects tissue much deeper than hands can reach. I use my Respond Systems’ 2400vs IIIb cold laser, it is one of the most powerful lasers on the market and is ideal for equine care. It is battery operated, so I can utilize the cold laser anywhere. The challenge of finding an outlet at a horse show, in a field, or in a stall is not a concern.
Sound waves of a specific wavelength are passed through the body and have a "micro-massage" effect deep within the tissues. This effect promotes protein synthesis and aids circulation to help stimulate self-healing. AlphaSonic is used for reducing scar tissue, treating joint discomforts, improving muscle spasms, and helping to promote healing of soft-tissue injuries.
Discounts available for multiple horses, subscriptions, and 10% off your first session when you mention Equivont
Type: Massage
ID: 31881