Soundness and performance are the main focus on most discussions of riding surfaces. Ever since people started using riding arenas when working with their horses they were experimenting with the large variety of materials for the use of footing.
Todays findings from scientific research on equestrian footings can be combined with our specialists
practical experiences to produce a sound and good surface.
Advice on the construction of riding arena surfaces has been based on experience and personal opinion. Experience and know-how is important to create a good riding surface, maintenance and moisture content is key to performance of any riding ring.
Due to these variables there is no single recipe for a perfect riding arena. With our experience gained in years of supporting the equine showing community, we found that the products we offer are the best solution – economically and environmentally – to help you prevent lameness of your horse and minimize veterinary bills.
We offer tailored arena footing products and professional expertise to help you thru your entire arena construction process.
Type: Training
ID: 3004