Blue Riderʼs comprehensive educational program begins with the basics in a mutually enjoyable, confidence-building relationship between human and equine. We offer lessons to individuals, groups, school classes, group homes, and anyone else interested.
Basic Safe Riding is the groundwork of all of our riding programs. Progressive basic riding skills are taught at the walk and trot with core balance and understanding the horse as the main focus.
Riding Without Fear is the goal that we wish to obtain for all of our students. We try to teach in a way that makes every step understandable, and give tools to be in control of situations as they arise.
Horse Care becomes part of lessons as soon as the student is safe around horses. Grooming, tacking, leading is taught as part of lessons, with communication between human and equine being the focal lesson.
Stable Management is taught to the students that are more involved or riding at a higher level. Our horses are kept in a natural herd environment, and we teach the difference to other forms of horse upkeep. Feeding, mucking, tack upkeep, fencing, pasture upkeep, animal husbandry, and more are taught as the students progress.
English, Western, Jumping & Dressage are all taught bareback at first. The lesson program starts with balance and body awareness. As the student understands how his/her body affects the horse, we move into a more specific riding direction, depending on what each individual is interested in. Saddles and bits are used as the student progresses.
Internships and Apprenticeships are offered to the students that want to immerse themselves more completely into our programs, and are looking towards a job in an equine profession.
Vaulting Gymnastics on horseback, is taught to build up coordination, balance, confidence, riding and group skills.
Body Work sessions are geared toward the student who wants to work on body awareness and inner balance. These sessions are usually one-on-one.
Ground Work and Liberty Training are taught with the focus of communication between the horse and human partners.
Our group work is is focused on social intervention; as a tool to combat bullying and teasing and peer pressure, and build positive group dynamics.
Type: Get Involved
ID: 902