The Ranch offers 2 main programs for K-5 classes. The original Cowboy Logic Series offers 4 learning stations that center around how Cowboy’s used their knowledge of heat, energy, soil/water and animal management. Each 25 minute station has a short lesson, followed by hands on activities.
The Ranch’s Farm Fun Day Programs offer a fun reading based program. Choose from 4 classic tales to expose your kids to the joy of reading and experiencing supporting learning stations.
The Ranch also offers programs for groups with special needs and learning abilities. Some of these programs incorporate the sensory trail along with the animals. We can work with your group to determine the best program for you.
Afterwards, the After Party includes your picnic time, Gaga Ball and The Kangaroo Jumper! Note that most students will want extra water after lunch.
Cost: Teachers are always free. Most programs are $10/child/parent.
Type: Education
ID: 5594